A Mario-esque game where you have to reach the goal and avoid all the enemies. You can also collect coins to purchase upgrades that will help you in "future" levels.


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Terrell I have to compliment your level design. I feel like you added a lot fo cool elements. This made your game a lot of fun to play. Your jump feels really nice as well. The camera was set a bit too high so when I jumped I couldn't see the level below me. This was especially disappointing because your level was so well made. 

The aesthetic is simple but effective. The coins are a really nice touch. I love all your sound effects. The fact that you could buy extra health was awesome. 

(1 edit)

Terrell this game is a lot of fun. The jumping works really well and is very responsive. I was trying to grab the first coin and thought maybe something was wrong with my spacebar, then I found the item shop and knew I had to go back for it once I unlocked the double jump. The shop might be the coolest part of your game is it allows the player to change how they play. Getting extra health is safe, but getting an extra jump makes the game a lot more fun. The biggest thing holding your game back at the moment is the little number of enemies. Having a few squares works for now, but if you were to make the level a bit longer I'm sure a few obstacles or enemies would be fairly easy to implement. The music is great and works really well. The sound effects do their job too. I think you should place a more noticeable landmark at the end of the level so the player knows they are about to win. If you keep adding levels and expanding it's going to get better. Great job and Happy Holidays!